Source code for mlx_graphs.utils.topology

from typing import Optional

import mlx.core as mx
import mlx.nn as nn

from mlx_graphs.utils.sorting import sort_edge_index, sort_edge_index_and_features
from mlx_graphs.utils.validators import validate_edge_index_and_features

[docs] @validate_edge_index_and_features def is_undirected( edge_index: mx.array, edge_features: Optional[mx.array] = None ) -> bool: """ Determines whether a graph is undirected based on the given edge index and optional edge features. Args: edge_index: The edge index of the graph. edge_features: Edge features associated with each edge. If provided, the function considers both edge indices and features for the check. Returns: True if the graph is undirected, False otherwise. """ # The function checks if the sorted order of source-destination pairs is equal # to the sorted order of destination-source pairs. If edge features are provided, # it also checks for equality in their order. if edge_features is None: src_dst_sort, _ = sort_edge_index(edge_index) dst_src_sort, _ = sort_edge_index(mx.stack([edge_index[1], edge_index[0]])) if mx.array_equal(src_dst_sort, dst_src_sort): return True else: src_dst_sort, src_dst_feat = sort_edge_index_and_features( edge_index, edge_features ) dst_src_sort, dst_src_feat = sort_edge_index_and_features( mx.stack([edge_index[1], edge_index[0]]), edge_features ) if mx.array_equal(src_dst_sort, dst_src_sort) and mx.array_equal( src_dst_feat, dst_src_feat ): return True return False
[docs] @validate_edge_index_and_features def is_directed(edge_index: mx.array, edge_features: Optional[mx.array] = None) -> bool: """ Determines whether a graph is directed based on the given edge index and optional edge features. Args: edge_index: The edge index of the graph. edge_features: Edge features associated with each edge. If provided, the function considers both edge indices and features for the check. Returns: True if the graph is directed, False otherwise. """ return not is_undirected(edge_index, edge_features)
[docs] def get_num_hops(model: nn.Module) -> int: """ Returns the number of hops the model is aggregating information from. This works only for networks based on `MessagePassing`. Args: model: The GNN Model. Returns: number of hops the model is aggregating information Example: .. code-block:: python class GNN(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = GCNConv(4, 16) self.conv2 = GCNConv(16, 16) self.lin = nn.linear(16, 2) def __call__(self, edge_index: mx.array, node_features: mx.array): x = nn.relu(self.conv1(node_features, edge_index)) x = self.conv2(node_features, edge_index) return self.lin(x) get_num_hops(GNN()) # 2 """ from mlx_graphs.nn import MessagePassing num_hops = 0 for module in model.modules(): if isinstance(module, MessagePassing): num_hops += 1 return num_hops