


class mlx_graphs.datasets.TUDataset(name: str, cleaned: bool = False, base_dir: str | None = None)[source]#

Bases: Dataset

A collection of over 120 benchmark datasets for graph classification and regression, made available by TU Dortmund University. Access all these datasets here.

This class also supports cleaned dataset versions containing only non-isomorphic graphs, and presented in Understanding Isomorphism Bias in Graph Data Sets.

  • name (str) – Name of the dataset to load (e.g. “MUTAG”, “PROTEINS”, “IMDB-BINARY”, etc.).

  • cleaned (bool) – Whether to use the cleaned or original version of datasets. Default is False.

  • base_dir (Optional[str]) – Directory where to store dataset files. Default is in the local directory .mlx_graphs_data/.