
Here is a short introduction to mlx-graphs, starting from building a simple graph to training a first GNN model.

We’ll cover the following topics:

Representing Graphs#

Simple Graphs#

A graph can be easily built in mlx-graphs using GraphData.

import mlx.core as mx
from mlx_graphs.data.data import GraphData

edge_index = mx.array([[0, 1, 0, 2, 3],
                       [2, 3, 1, 0, 2]])
node_features = mx.random.normal((4, 8))

graph = GraphData(edge_index, node_features)
>>> GraphData(
        edge_index(shape=(2, 5), int32)
        node_features(shape=(4, 8), float32))

>>> array([[0, 1, 0, 2, 3],
           [2, 3, 1, 0, 2]], dtype=int32)

The GraphData class accepts by default the following optional arguments to build the graph.


an array of size [2, num_edges] which specifies the topology of the graph in COO format. The i-th column in edge_index defines the source and destination nodes of the i-th edge


an array of size [num_nodes, num_node_features] defining the features associated to each node (if any). The i-th row contains the features of the i-th node


an array of size [num_edges, num_edge_features] defining the features associated to each edge (if any). The i-th row contains the features of the i-th edge


an array of size [1, num_graph_features] defining the features associated to the graph itself


an array of shape [num_nodes, num_node_labels] containing the labels of each node.


an array of shape [num_edges, num_edge_labels] containing the labels of each edge.


an array of shape [1, num_graph_labels] containing the global labels of the graph.

We adopt the above convention across the entire library both in terms of shapes of the attributes and the order in which they’re provided to functions.

Graphs with Custom Attributes#

GraphData also supports additional attributes to integrate within the graph. Just add your own attributes to the constructor using kwargs.

import mlx.core as mx
from mlx_graphs.data.data import GraphData

graph = GraphData(
    edge_index=mx.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]]),
    node_features=mx.random.normal((4, 8)),
    alpha=mx.ones((4,)),  # Custom attribute
>>> GraphData(
        edge_index(shape=(2, 3), int32)
        node_features(shape=(4, 8), float32)
        alpha(shape=(4,), float32))

>>> array([1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=float32)

Operations on graphs#

We provide some utilities to perform operations on graphs in utils.

For example, to_edge_index() and to_adjacency_matrix() can be used to convert an adjacency matrix representing a graph into its edge index and viceversa.


In tasks with multiple graphs, such as graph classification, batching accelerates GNN computations by processing several graphs together instead of individually. This approach can drastically enhance speed through parallelization on the Mac’s GPU.

The GraphDataBatch class handles all batch operations, enabling the creation of a batch from a list of GraphData objects. We provide the mlx_graphs.data.batch.batch() function as an interface to create a GraphDataBatch out of a sequence of GraphData objects.


The operations provided in mlx-graphs are particularly efficient on large graphs. We recommend to leverage batching whenever possible, ensuring that the batched graphs collectively fit within available memory.

from mlx_graphs.data.batch import batch

graphs = [
        edge_index=mx.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]]),
        node_features=mx.zeros((3, 1)),
        edge_index=mx.array([[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]]),
        node_features=mx.ones((3, 1)),
        edge_index=mx.array([[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]),
        node_features=mx.ones((3, 1)) * 2,
graphs_batch = batch(graphs)
>>> GraphDataBatch(
    edge_index(shape=[2, 9], int32)
    node_features(shape=[9, 1], float32))

>>> 3

Internally, GraphDataBatch simply collates the attributes from all GraphData objects and concatenates them to end up with a single large graph made of the disconnected graphs. Our batching strategy follows a similar approach as in PyG.

If needed, the graphs within the batch can be easily indexed:

>>> GraphData(
    edge_index(shape=[2, 3], int32)
    node_features(shape=[3, 1], float32))

>>> [
            edge_index(shape=[2, 3], int32)
            node_features(shape=[3, 1], float32)),
            edge_index(shape=[2, 3], int32)
            node_features(shape=[3, 1], float32))

Datasets and Data loaders#

Datasets can be implemented by extending the base class Dataset and implementing its abstract methods. For example, a basic implementation of the QM7b molecular dataset could look like

import os

import mlx.core as mx
import scipy as sp

from mlx_graphs.data import GraphData
from mlx_graphs.datasets.dataset import Dataset
from mlx_graphs.datasets.utils import download
from mlx_graphs.utils.transformations import to_sparse_adjacency_matrix

class QM7bDataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self):

    def download(self):
        file_path = os.path.join(self.raw_path, self.name + ".mat")

    def process(self):
        mat_path = os.path.join(self.raw_path, self.name + ".mat")
        data = scipy.io.loadmat(mat_path)
        labels = mx.array(data["T"].tolist())
        features = mx.array(data["X"].to_list())
        num_graphs = labels.shape[0]
        graphs = []
        for i in range(num_graphs):
            edge_index, edge_features = to_sparse_adjacency_matrix(features[i])
                    graph_labels=mx.expand_dims(labels[i], 0),
        self.graphs = graphs

Every Dataset should implement two abstract methods: download, responsible to download raw datasets locally and process(), which transforms the datasets into a List[GraphData], saved in self.graphs. Once the list of graphs is processed, all the indexing and dataset properties such as num_graphs, num_node_features and num_node_classes are automatically handled.

We provide a few widely used datasets and we expect to implement more over time.

Data loaders can be used to automatically load and batch graphs for training routines. The Dataloader class accepts a Dataset or a sequence of GraphData as input together with a batch_size and provides an iterable over the dataset.

from mlx_graphs.loaders import Dataloader

data = QM7bDataset()
loader = Dataloader(data, batch_size=16)

for item in loader:

GNN Layers#

Similarly as other libraries, mlx-graphs comes with some predefined GNN layers. These layers usually follow the implementation from the original papers and can be used as basic blocks to build more complex GNN models.

For instance, here is a SAGEConv layer from the Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs paper:

import mlx.core as mx
from mlx_graphs.data.data import GraphData
from mlx_graphs.nn import SAGEConv

graph = GraphData(
    edge_index = mx.array([[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 0, 1, 1, 3]]),
    node_features = mx.ones((5, 16)),

conv = SAGEConv(node_features_dim=16, out_features_dim=32)
h = conv(graph.edge_index, graph.node_features)

>>> h
array([[1.65429, -0.376169, 1.04172, ..., -0.919106, 1.42576, 0.490938],
    [1.65429, -0.376169, 1.04172, ..., -0.919106, 1.42576, 0.490938],
    [1.05823, -0.295776, 0.075439, ..., -0.104383, 0.031947, -0.351897],
    [1.65429, -0.376169, 1.04172, ..., -0.919106, 1.42576, 0.490938],
    [1.05823, -0.295776, 0.075439, ..., -0.104383, 0.031947, -0.351897]],