Source code for mlx_graphs.utils.sorting

import mlx.core as mx

from mlx_graphs.utils.validators import (

[docs] @validate_edge_index def sort_edge_index(edge_index: mx.array) -> tuple[mx.array, mx.array]: """Sort the edge index. Args: edge_index: A [2, num_edges] array representing edge indices, where the first row contains source indices and the second row contains target indices. Returns: A tuple containing the sorted edge index and the corresponding sorting indices. """ sorted_target_indices = mx.argsort(edge_index[1]) target_sorted_index = edge_index[:, sorted_target_indices] sorted_source_indices = mx.argsort(target_sorted_index[0]) sorted_edge_index = target_sorted_index[:, sorted_source_indices] sorting_indices = sorted_target_indices[sorted_source_indices] return sorted_edge_index, sorting_indices
[docs] @validate_edge_index_and_features def sort_edge_index_and_features( edge_index: mx.array, edge_features: mx.array ) -> tuple[mx.array, mx.array]: """Sorts the given edge_index and their corresponding features. Args: edge_index: A [2, num_edges] array representing edge indices, where the first row contains source indices and the second row contains target indices. edge_features: An array representing edge features, where each row corresponds to an edge. Returns: A tuple containing the sorted edge index and the corresponding sorted edge features. """ sorted_edge_index, sorting_indices = sort_edge_index(edge_index) sorted_edge_features = edge_features[sorting_indices] return sorted_edge_index, sorted_edge_features