Source code for mlx_graphs.utils.scatter

from typing import Literal, Optional, get_args

import mlx.core as mx

from mlx_graphs.utils.array_ops import broadcast

ScatterAggregations = Literal["add", "max", "mean", "softmax", "min"]

[docs] def scatter( values: mx.array, index: mx.array, out_size: Optional[int] = None, aggr: ScatterAggregations = "add", axis: int = 0, ) -> mx.array: """Default function for performing all scattering operations. Scatters `values` at `index` in an empty array of `out_size` elements. Args: values: array with all the values to scatter in the output tensor index: array with index to which scatter the values out_size: number of elements in the output array (size of the first dimension). If not provided, uses the number of elements in `values` aggr: scattering method employed for reduction at index axis: axis on which applying the scattering Returns: Array with `out_size` elements containing the scattered values at given index following the given `aggr` reduction method Example: .. code-block:: python src = mx.array([1., 1., 1., 1.]) index = mx.array([0, 0, 1, 2]) num_nodes = src.shape[0] scatter(src, index, num_nodes, "softmax") >>> mx.array([0.5, 0.5, 1, 1]) num_nodes = index.max().item() + 1 scatter(src, index, num_nodes, "add") >>> mx.array([2, 1, 1]) """ if aggr not in get_args(ScatterAggregations): raise ValueError( "Invalid aggregation function.", f"Available values are {get_args(ScatterAggregations)}", ) _out_size: int = out_size if out_size is not None else values.shape[0] if aggr == "softmax": return scatter_softmax(values, index, _out_size) if aggr == "mean": return scatter_mean(values, index, _out_size) out_shape = list(values.shape) out_shape[axis] = _out_size empty_tensor = mx.zeros(out_shape, dtype=values.dtype) if aggr == "add": return scatter_add(empty_tensor, index, values) if aggr == "max": return scatter_max(empty_tensor, index, values) if aggr == "min": return scatter_min(empty_tensor, index, values) raise NotImplementedError(f"Aggregation {aggr} not implemented yet.")
[docs] def scatter_add(src: mx.array, index: mx.array, values: mx.array): """Scatters `values` at `index` within `src`. If duplicate indices are present, the sum of the values will be assigned to these index. Args: src: Source array where the values will be scattered (often an empty array) index: Array containing indices that determine the scatter of the 'values'. values: Input array containing values to be scattered. Returns: The resulting array after applying scatter and sum operations on the values at duplicate indices """ return[index].add(values)
[docs] def scatter_max(src: mx.array, index: mx.array, values: mx.array): """Scatters `values` at `index` within `src`. If duplicate indices are present, the maximum value is kept at these indices. Args: src: Source array where the values will be scattered (often an empty array) index: Array containing indices that determine the scatter of the 'values'. values: Input array containing values to be scattered. Returns: The resulting array after applying scatter and max operations on the values at duplicate indices """ return[index].maximum(values)
def scatter_min(src: mx.array, index: mx.array, values: mx.array): """Scatters `values` at `index` within `src`. If duplicate indices are present, the minimum value is kept at these indices. Args: src: Source array where the values will be scattered (often an empty array) index: Array containing indices that determine the scatter of the 'values'. values: Input array containing values to be scattered. Returns: The resulting array after applying scatter and min operations on the values at duplicate indices """ return[index].minimum(values)
[docs] def scatter_mean( values: mx.array, index: mx.array, out_size: int, axis: int = 0 ) -> mx.array: """Computes the mean of values that are scattered along a specified axis, grouped by index. Args: values: Input array containing values to be scattered. These values will undergo a scatter and mean operation. index: Array containing indices that determine the scatter of the `values`. out_size: Size of the output array. axis: Axis along which to scatter. Returns: An array containing mean of `values` grouped by `index`. """ scatt_add = scatter(values, index, out_size, aggr="add", axis=axis) out_size = scatt_add.shape[axis] degrees = degree(index, out_size) degrees = mx.where(degrees < 1, 1, degrees) # Avoid 0 division degrees = broadcast(degrees, scatt_add, axis) # Match the shapes for division return mx.divide(scatt_add, degrees)
[docs] def scatter_softmax( values: mx.array, index: mx.array, out_size: int, axis: int = 0 ) -> mx.array: """Computes the softmax of values that are scattered along a specified axis, grouped by index. Args: values: Input array containing values to be scattered. These values will undergo a scatter and softmax operation index: Array containing indices that determine the scatter of the 'values'. out_size: Size of the output array axis: Axis along which to scatter Returns: The resulting array after applying scatter and softmax operations on the input 'values'. Example: .. code-block:: python src = mx.array([1., 1., 1., 1.]) index = mx.array([0, 0, 1, 2]) num_nodes = src.shape[0] scatter_softmax(src, index, num_nodes) >>> mx.array([0.5, 0.5, 1, 1]) """ # index = broadcast(index, values, axis) # NOTE: may be used in future. scatt_max = scatter(values, index, out_size, aggr="max", axis=axis) scatt_max = scatt_max[index] out = (values - scatt_max).exp() scatt_sum = scatter(out, index, out_size, aggr="add", axis=axis) scatt_sum = scatt_sum[index] eps = 1e-16 return out / (scatt_sum + eps)
[docs] def degree( index: mx.array, num_nodes: Optional[int] = None, edge_weights: Optional[mx.array] = None, ) -> mx.array: """Counts the number of ocurrences of each node in the given `index`. Args: index: Array with node indices, usually src or dst of an `edge_index`. num_nodes: Size of the output degree array. If not provided, the number of nodes will be inferred from the `index`. edge_weights: Optional edge weights that will be leveraged instead of 1 values during the degree compute. Default: ``None`` Returns: Array of length `num_nodes` with the degree of each node. """ if index.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( f"The `degree` function requires a 1D index array, found {index.ndim}." ) num_nodes = num_nodes if num_nodes is not None else index.max().item() + 1 src = edge_weights if edge_weights is not None else mx.ones((index.shape[0],)) return scatter(src, index, num_nodes, "add")
[docs] def invert_sqrt_degree(degree: mx.array) -> mx.array: """ Computes the inverted square root of the degree array. Args: degree: Array of length num_nodes with the inverted square root degree of each node. Returns: Array of length `num_nodes` with the inverted square root of the degree of each node with 'inf' values zeroed out. """ invert_sqrt_degree = degree ** (-0.5) invert_sqrt_degree = mx.where( invert_sqrt_degree == float("inf"), 0, invert_sqrt_degree ) return invert_sqrt_degree