Source code for mlx_graphs.utils.convert

from collections import defaultdict

import mlx.core as mx

    import networkx as nx
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError(
        "networkx is required to convert to/from nextworkx graphs",
        "run `pip install networkx`",

from import GraphData

[docs] def to_networkx( data: GraphData, remove_self_loops: bool = False, ) -> nx.DiGraph: r"""Converts a :class:`` instance to a a directed :obj:`networkx.DiGraph` otherwise. Args: data: Graph data object remove_self_loops: If set to :obj:`True`, will not include self-loops in the resulting graph. (default: :obj:`False`) Returns: A networkx graph Examples: .. code-block:: python import mlx.core as mx edge_index = mx.array( [ [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], [1, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2], ] ) node_features = mx.array([[1], [1], [1], [1]]) data = GraphData(node_features=node_features, edge_index=edge_index) G = to_networkx(data) print(G.edges) >>> OutEdgeView([(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2)]) """ G = nx.DiGraph() if data.graph_features is not None: G.graph["graph_features"] = data.graph_features.tolist() if data.graph_labels is not None: G.graph["graph_labels"] = data.graph_labels.tolist() if data.num_nodes is None: return G node_attrs = {} for i in range(data.num_nodes): if data.node_features is not None: node_attrs["features"] = data.node_features[i].tolist() if data.node_labels is not None: node_attrs["label"] = data.node_labels[i].item() G.add_node(i, **node_attrs) edge_attrs = {} for i, (v, w) in enumerate(data.edge_index.T.tolist()): if remove_self_loops and v == w: continue if data.edge_features is not None: edge_attrs["features"] = data.edge_features[i].tolist() G.add_edge(v, w, **edge_attrs) return G
[docs] def from_networkx(data: nx.Graph) -> GraphData: """Converts a :obj:`networkx.Graph` or :obj:`networkx.DiGraph` to a :class:`` instance. Args: data: A networkx graph Returns: A GraphData object Examples: .. code-block:: python import networkx as nx from mlx_graphs.utils.convert import from_networkx G = nx.Graph() G.add_node(1) G.add_node(2) G.add_node(3) G.add_node(4) G.add_edge(1, 2) G.add_edge(1, 3) G.add_edge(2, 3) G.add_edge(3, 4) mlx_dataset = from_networkx(G) print(mlx_dataset) >>> GraphData(edge_index(shape=(2, 4), int32)) print(mlx_dataset.num_nodes) >>> 4 """ data_dict = defaultdict(list) edge_index = mx.array(list(data.edges())).T data_dict["edge_index"] = edge_index for attr in ["features", "label"]: for entity in ["edge", "node", "graph"]: key = f"{entity}_{attr}" values = [] if entity == "edge": for _, _, feat_dict in data.edges(data=True): if attr in feat_dict: values.append(feat_dict[attr]) elif entity == "node": for _, feat_dict in data.nodes(data=True): if attr in feat_dict: values.append(feat_dict[attr]) elif entity == "graph" and attr in data.graph: values = [data.graph[attr]] if values: data_dict[key] = mx.array(values) return GraphData(**data_dict)